Thursday, February 14, 2019

Pissing into the wind

Our land managers know from their own springs that there is more to the environment than meets their eyes; They know that sound environmental flows are not subject to our taps and the simple quantity numbers of bookkeeping accountants in politics. 
Our wannabe engineers of the environment  can spend billions of dollars trying to describe things with facts and numbers and still not know anything concrete. Worse , they can prescribe the garden of Eden with trees that just don’t fit here .

All locals know about quality decisions and the idea of place driven consensus; where the best decision weighs up the deep and wide substance of the situation; this wisdom is not likely to be written in stone in a plan – however much it costs.
Recently Malcolm Gardiner  finally got the ear of Federal Ministers over the unique
platypus streams and threats to them near Gellibrand.  
The Kawarren and Barongarook creeks, like Lake Eyre, tap water resources that are huge but hidden.  Even though there is a lot of water down below the surface, just one small deep tapping by a bore, like those put in by Barwon Water in our Region, can and has stopped eon aged perennial flows at the edges of  those unique habitats over a very wide area:  one of the reasons so many animals died when they did this a few years ago . This action even dried out the peat beds and nearly burnt the Otways out as a consequence .

One lives in hope that more politicians like Ministers Price and Henderson will not be tempted,  like those earlier explorers  Burke ,Wong and Bracks who dreamt of doing the impossible with water  ; using another 13 billion dollars on research or creating water.
Real humility and respect are required to prevent our wannabes  thinking they are God like in ability.
The above named attitudes and respect for on ground experts are the only thing  that will  stop their ongoing trumped up proclamations  that they  can rejuvenate streams and keep life going in the Savannah with more of their very own engineered piddling . Our reservoirs are tiny when you compare them with peak runoff flow volumes.



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