Monday, March 18, 2013

Still learning about Erosion

While not really SW news this post reminds me of the things we may learn about our area from studying Mars. There could be impact craters in our area but unlike Mars they don't always hang around to be seen .
see the link
Mars is fun because we can't go there and we can only guess. The interesting difference between the two planets is that on earth water provides a lot of "sand" (where on Mars it appears there are  a lot less sources and   -and created by ice and ash ?? Because on earth sand soon grows a cover, its only in deserts and dry patches/periods   we see it move on the wind .Interestingly while the atmospheres are different, sand can find its way up to high levels ( the story about first pictures in 1971.)

There is however evidence of huge sand transport along the coast . mouth of some our rivers , Aire Hopkins ,Murray.  Post a picture if one of you asks for a picture


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