Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Seasonal Conditions

November was one of the driest on record in the Heytesbury. Late spring early summer rain is the key to the high sustainability of dairying in this area So rather than cutting silage, farmers were actually feeding it out early summer and for a big change, some local gardens were being watered much more than than usually would be at that time of year .


Blogger Modi said...

Didn't stop the new priesthood of pedants from pointing the finger at individuals for doing the sensible, smart and sustainable thing and watering when it was NEEDED(at least their plants will not die).If you want to learn about real choises in conservation or meet people who know them click on cuttingedgeconservation.blogspot.com

6:03 PM  
Blogger Modi said...

Didn't stop the new priesthood of pedants from pointing the finger at individuals for doing the sensible, smart and sustainable thing and watering when it was NEEDED(at least their plants will not die).If you want to learn about real choises in conservation or meet people who know them click on cuttingedgeconservation.blogspot.com

6:04 PM  

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